Monday, August 31, 2015

Trying this again.

The good news is that I am home again.  I was released from St. Mary's on Saturday. My goal right now is to eat and drink. I need to slow the weight loss and keep myself hydrated. I really do not want to spend any more time in the hospital, but that remains a very real possibility. I have a follow up appointment with DR. Kendrick's team on Wednesday. Depending on how that appointment goes will determine where I end up Wednesday night. I am really hoping for sleeping in my own bed that night

The problem is that it is hard to continuously eat and drink when you don’t feel good, especially after eating and drinking. Your insides are trying to figure out how to process the stuff you put in it. You don’t have a stomach to regulate how much food goes into you intestines, so you cramp and ache.  They tell you to stop eating when your insides hurt, but that seems to happen the moment you begin to eat. You also need to keep your calorie count up and you can’t do that if you are constantly stopping after a few bites.

So in the end, this all stems from nausea. When I was sent home the first time I was not sent home with any anti-nausea medication. This time I have three different ones available to me. I am halfway through day number two without throwing up what I eat. I will take that as a positive sign that things are starting to turn in my favor (knocking on wood). 

Now I just need to keep eating..

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