Friday, July 1, 2016

Setting My Sails Towards Vacation

In a few weeks we will heading back to the coast of North Carolina.

We have rented a beach house on Topsail Island. This is a trip that our family takes every couple of years and the coast of North Carolina is the place where we go to unwind, regroup, and reconnect.

My goals for this vacation are pretty simple.

1. Continue to heal.
I could say that the healing portion of this journey has gone smoothly, but that's not the case. I am still getting food stuck, throwing up and experiencing dumping. I want some time where I can just sit and be. I don't want any drama. I don't want any doctors poking or prodding me. I just want a place where I can relax and let whatever still needs to heal, heal.

2. Read a book or two by authors I have never heard of.
Not just any book. I love a good mystery. So my goal is to find a couple of local authors who write mysteries set along the North Carolina coast. If the books are set in Topsail even better, but I will take anything written about the coast.

3. Listen to music.
If you read this blog, you know that I enjoy listening to music. My iPod has everything from Disney show tunes to Frank Sinatra, to CCR to Dave Mathews and Disturbed. What I listen to depends on my mood and what is going on in my life. So for this vacation my iPod has been loaded up with over 6,000 tunes to carry me through the week. Music wise I think I am good.

4. Find a new beer or two (or more)
Working at the liquor store gives me the opportunity to try and experience new beers. The only challenge is that for the store to have them they need to be distributed for sale into our area. That eliminates a lot of beers, from all over the country, that are not widely distributed. So my goal is to search out local beers that I can only find in North Carolina. No list, No searching for any specific beer. Just walk in and say "what do you have that's local" and give it a try. Life is too short not to try something new.

5. Enjoy the family and friends.
With everything that has happened, our family dynamic has changed and continues to change. Heck, we are going to add a grandchild next year. God, I love saying that. However, who knows how many years we are going to be able to keep making this trip. Time changes all, and this year our family is different than the family that was there two years ago. Two years from now it will be different yet again.

So we will enjoy the beach, enjoy the ocean and enjoy each other's company.
The beach is callin' and I am heading out...

Where it all ends I can't fathom, my friends.
If I knew, I might toss out my anchor.
So I'll cruise along always searchin' for songs,
Not a lawyer, a thief or a banker.
(Son of A Son Of A Sailor  Jimmy Buffett)

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