Thursday, September 27, 2018

A Guy Walks Into A Bar....

I was sitting in one of my favorite watering holes with a friend a couple of weeks ago when a guy walks in, sits down next to us, takes one look at me and says “Hey, look a pirate."
I get that a lot. I have learn to roll with it as much as possible. I’ll just smile and go on my way. Once and a while I might throw an “AARRRGG” at the kids when they say it, but when adults say it I just try to ignore them.
In their defense how often do you see a person walking around with a black patch covering their right eye? It's just that after 14 months the fun has kind of gone out of looking like I am an extra on a Disney set.

So I thought I would try to show you what I see when I remove the eye patch. In case you were wondering…
The image on the right is a painting done by an artist named Ken Kimball. He was left with double vision after a brain injury. When he started to paint again he decided to paint how he now viewed the world.

This painting is the closest I could find to what I see when I remove the patch. The only difference is that, in my view, the second image is up higher to the left and tilted to the right.
The other issue I have is that the muscles surrounding the eye were damaged during the accident. This gives the doubled image the ability to move when you walk or turn your head.
All of this makes doing anything with both eyes problematic. So I wear the patch.

As for the guy at the bar? A couple of minutes after he said it he was apologizing for being insensitive and bought me a beer. That works.

Fill my eyes with that double vision,
No disguise for that double vision
Ooh, when it gets through to me,
It's always new to me
My double vision gets the best of me
(Double Vision  Foreigner)

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