Sunday, October 16, 2016


It has been a while since I posted anything, so I thought I would give a quick update.

A few weeks ago I had my 14 month checkup. These checkup are always the same. They involve being poked, prodded and drained of a few vials of blood. For the most part all of the blood work tests came back fine. They were on the low end of the acceptable range, but in the acceptable range none the less.  

As always, once the test are run, the conversation goes to how I am doing. They want to know how I am adjusting to my new life without a stomach, and for the most part I am doing well.  The one exception to this would be sleep. Since the surgery getting a full night’s sleep has been a challenge. Some nights I might get a few hours at a time, but there have been many nights when the hours just seem to slowly slip by. 

This all started while I was in the Mayo Clinic. It sometimes feels like my insides are shifting from one side of my body to the other in the space where my stomach used to reside. The doctors assure me that it is not the case, but that is what it sometimes feels like. 
When I sleep I need to make sure that my head remains above my body. Your stomach has a flap that keeps stomach acid and bile from coming back up your esophagus. Well they removed mine when they removed my stomach, so it limits how I can sleep.  Again, this was nothing new I have been struggling with this for the past year.

We tried everything. Over the counter drugs, Melatonin and natural sleep aids. Nothing worked. We even went so far as to go out and buy a new mattress. Nothing worked. 
While at the Mayo Clinic had put me on Ambien and it seemed to be doing its job. I may not sleep all night, but it wouldn’t take long for me to fall back asleep. The problem…  Ambien is a federally regulated drug and getting a refill takes an something just short of a letter from the FDA. 
I was given one refill and then nothing. 

So now they have put me on a second antidepressant.  Yea, I wrote second.  I take one in the morning to help “keep me balanced” and I take two of the other antidepressants to help me sleep. We have agreed to give it two months and see how I do. I will tell you that I am sleeping better. I may wake up, but I can go back to sleep. I have had no sleepless nights. 
It is just antidepressants have side effects.  Even taking one has side effects, but I am now taking two different ones.

We will see how this story unfolds…

Golden slumbers fill your eyes
Smiles awake you when you rise
Sleep, pretty darling, do not cry
And I will sing a lullaby

(Golden Slumber  The Beatles)

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