Monday, August 15, 2016

A Favor....

At some point in time tomorrow this little stomachless community I reside in grows by one. 

I do not have this persons permission to say anything else so I wont. I just know that when I was going through all of my trials of recovery this person would send me notes just to keep my spirits up. 

Now it is my turn to return the favor.
This person is in good hands down at Mayo, but it is still a major surgery. The whole family can use all of the prayers, good thoughts and warm and fuzzies we can throw in their direction.  
So please keep them in your thoughts tomorrow.  Thank you.

To my friend down at Mayo. You are in great hands. Dr. K is one of the finest in the world and you will be up on the road to recovery in no time. 
Still tomorrow my thoughts and prayers will be with you.


So dream your dreams and live your life
Knowing there's more than to merely survive
Don't give up, don't give in
Fight through the rain and lean into the wind
'Til you come to the edge of all that you know
Run right through the dark knowing you're not alone
(When The Mountains Fall   Mark Schultz)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Roger!!!! Your kind words, support, and honesty has helped me on this journey in more ways than you know! I look to you for guidance as you have "been there, done that." I know I'm in good hands with Dr. K, but the extra thoughts, prayers, good juju, etc are VERY welcomed. Even though I kinda know what to expect, I've never done this before and because of that, I'm nervous, anxious, sad, mad, name it, I have been it. Ha! It's nice to have someone who has been on this journey and "gets" what I mean and the feelings I have. So, again...THANK YOU!!! Lots of love today and always! YOU are the rock star I hope to be after surgery not letting anything get the best of you. Until later, my friend, take care!
