Well then life happened and I slammed my face into a sign at 28 miles per hour. Now I had something else to write about. Different experience, but still partly the same as far as updating friends and family about how I was doing. So I added that update to this blog.
Now it is time for me to move on as much as I can.
So this will be my last regular update to this blog. I might update it on the anniversaries of both events just to let you all know how I am doing, however as much as I can I want to close this chapter of my life. Somethings will never change. I will never again have a stomach so that issue will always hang around. And unless they find a way to correct my double vision, I will continue to live seeing life out of only one eye. I can't change it so I need to move past it.
So I want to take a few minutes to say Thank You.
When I started writing this the thought of doing it scared the hell out of me. I never considered myself a good writer or a good story teller, yet I needed an outlet to talk about how I was doing. I also wanted to capture the experience in case one of my kids were forced down this path. So I wrote. Sometimes a lot. I used "loose" instead of "lose" and "your" instead of "you're" yet you all stuck around and continued to read my story.
Still I never expected it to turn into what it has or connect me with so many people. I have reconnected with old friends I had lost track of, classmates and past coworkers. Which has been so amazing!
I also want to thank the No Stomach for Cancer organization for publishing this blog and getting it out worldwide. This blog has been read in over 70 countries by close to 100,000 people, many of whom took the time to send me notes of support. These are people I have never met or will never meet.
And just to be clear, I fully believe that I lived through both of these medical misadventures because of your support. That is why I wanted to write and just say thank you.
Am I going to quit writing? No. I am just going to switch to another blog and there let me write about things that are important to me that have nothing to do with this topic. I want to make sure that this one only dealt with this period of my life and the next blog writes about other stuff. That blog I won't do because I need to keep people informed. I will just do it because I get to.
One last thing. I have been asked a number of times why I try to end my blogs with a music quote. So I thought I would answer that. Music has always been a part of my life. It has celebrated with me, cried with me and carried me through some of the darkest moments of my life. When things would get tough during this period I would turn some music to help me relax and stay grounded.
So I thought I would share some. I hope you enjoyed them.
Thank you,
Oz never did give nothing to the Tin Man
That he didn't, didn't already have
And Cause never was the reason for the evening
Or the tropic of Sir Galahad
Or the tropic of Sir Galahad
So please, Believe in me
(Tin Man America)
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