A few weeks ago North Carolina got slammed with over a foot of snow. My daughter bundled up our two year old Grandson and took him out to experience it. He took one look at it shook his head, said "Nope. Up". He wanted no part of it. In the end he was just fine. It was that initial shock that he needed help getting through.
So I had been in a similar spot after being told that the Mayo Clinic did not have the technology to fix my double vision. This was from the doctor who was supposed to be the miracle man, my last chance to getting my vision fixed. Afterwards, I Just kind of went numb and started going through the motions of daily living.
I didn't know how much of a funk I was in until one particular Sunday when things changed and the feeling lifted.
It all started when I walked into a bar.

I stood there for a second confused. There was no one behind me so who were these people and why were they trying to "Surprise" me? It's was not my birthday or anything.
Then I recognized one and thought "Laurie? Why would she be here?" Then one by one I started recognizing the group of folks who were there. These were all high school classmates that I hadn't seen in years.
OK, so there is the periodic Facebook stalk, but still I haven't seen these folks in years.
Still here they were. In Hanover. At the River Inn. Too see me.
How they put in all together and pulled it off I will never know, but they did!
We talked, and laughed for a couple of hours. We could have carried on all day if time had permitted.
So like Remi with the snow in North Carolina, I just needed a "pick me up".
This was the pick up I needed and it came at the perfect time.
So to that crazy group of friends that made the trek to the River Inn just to see me and all the holiday greetings I received over the following days.
It was amazing and I still think about and smile.
Thank you, Thank you, I needed that!
If there's still a chance then take my hand
And we'll steal away
Off into the night 'til we make things right
The sun's gonna rise on a better day
(Come a little Closer Dierks Bently)
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