As of Friday December 30th, I will be unemployed again.
As I mentioned earlier my company was sold to one of our largest competitors located out of Jonesboro Arkansas. For a while it looked as if there would be a chance that they could ask me to move to Arkansas, but in the end the we mutually came to the decision that it was probably not in anyone's best interest to make that move.
So come Friday of this week I will be out of a job.
Now before you start to worry about me please read on.
You see they say that everything happens for a reason. Now when I look back at everything that has happened this past year I honestly believe that.
For instance. When 2016 started I hurt. I had strictures forming weekly and was dropping weight daily. So the year started with multiple trips to the Mayo Clinic for dilations. Then came the stent experience which included a ambulance ride from Mayo to St. Mary's hospital. Then there was three tough weeks where I had problems eating anything and my weight bottomed out at 169 pounds.
I looked like a zombie from the walking dead (or close to it).
After that horrible stent experience though things started to change. My weight stabilized and I actually started gaining weight. Since my surgery eating always has been, and still is, an adventure but you learn to live with it. I now hover right around 189 pounds and fit into jeans I haven't fit into since college.
My overall health is better. Heck I even ran my first 5K this year at the annual Grey Ghost 5K in Anoka Minnesota as part of their Halloween festivities. I finished middle of the pack, but I did finish the course. Gutless and all I made it.
More importantly, since I had the stint taken out, I have not had to return to Mayo Clinic even once. So as horrible as that experience was I will take it. It was a turning point in this "adventure".
Yet life still happened and it had nothing to do with my crappy CDH1 gene. We watched as your oldest daughter and her husband moved away to North Carolina. Yes there was sadness there when it happened, but in the end we sat in amazement and pride as these two flourished and grew into a family. And took me from being just a dad to being a dad and a grandpa.
So that brings us through the year and back to that fact that at the end of this week I will be unemployed. Now I said everything happens for a reason and you may be wondering if there a reason for this. Is there an offsetting positive is to offset this?

For the week of January 8th, this little man and my daughter will be home!
So instead of having to run off to work.
Instead of commuting 41 miles one way to work.
Instead of having to manage this or to manage that.
Instead of having to worry about getting work stuff done,
Instead of having to worry why this category or that category is under budget.
I will be focused on being "Papa Roger"otherwise known as this little man's grandpa.
Yes, I may decide to take a interview here or there, but other than that my entire week will be focused on my daughter and this little amazing little man they have brought into our life. Absorbing as much of them as I can until I get to see them again!
See sometimes there is a reason.
I can't wait!
Happy New Year everyone.
We can go when we want to
The night is young and so am I
And we can dress real neat from our hats to our feet
And surprise 'em with the victory cry
(Safety Dance Men Without Hats)
We can go when we want to
The night is young and so am I
And we can dress real neat from our hats to our feet
And surprise 'em with the victory cry
(Safety Dance Men Without Hats)